Thursday 19 December 2013

A Pink Secret Garden

A Pink returns with healing music
The six angels of A Pink have returned with 'Secret Garden' and the title song 'NONONO'! Standing out with their pure looks and fresh faces, the A Pink members are ready to take on the K-Pop stage again!

 Watch A Pink's Comeback Here

 See the innocent and pure A Pink member photos below!

 Stay tuned for a big event with A Pink and Mwave, coming soon!

Article credit: Mwave

MBLAQ's 'Love Beat' Recording - Behind the scenes

Even though MBLAQ has been busy touring the world with the '2013 MBLAQ Global Tour' hitting up Mexico, South America, Japan, China and more, MBLAQ has managed to prepare a special gift for A+ fans! In an expression of love for their fans, the MBLAQ members have released 'Love Beat', a special album meant to bring comfort and joy to their beloved fans!

 Special Album 'Love Beat'

MBLAQ has returned with a fresh new sound, after powerful hits like 'It's War' and sexy songs like 'Smoky Girl', the members have decided to bring back the sweetness with 'No Love'. Get refreshed this summer with MBLAQ's 'No Love' and allow yourself to be moved by the soaring vocals and charismatic raps.

 A sneak peek into the recording process of MBLAQ's special album

The hard-working Mir giving his all during recording! Before recording, maknae Mir and leader Seung Ho go over the lyrics together. And tadah! Lee Joon shows off the title song, 'No Love'!
Wow! Cheon Dung looks good even while recording! Finally finished recording Please listen to the song a lot and give MBLAQ a lot of love too! ^^

 BTS Video of MBLAQ's Album Jacket Photoshoot

 MBLAQ's Comeback Photos

 Watch MBLAQ's MV for 'No Love'!

Article credit: Mwave

LUNAFLY Meets Mwave

LUNAFLY is back with new single ‘Yeowooya,’ and the talented trio sat down with Mwave to answer a few of our burning questions regarding their ideal types, musical inspirations and the members’ charms.

 Mini Profile

Name: Sam
Birthdate: October 14, 1987
Hometown: London
Hidden talent: Walking really fast (“I can walk faster than Teo can run.”)
First K-Pop CD you ever owned: BoA’s No. 1
Song you have on repeat right now: Justin Timberlake’s ‘Mirrors’
Current K-Pop crush: Ladies Code, Tahiti, BoA
Favorite place in Seoul: Itaewon
Favorite city in the world: London

Name: Teo
Birthdate: December 7, 1993
Hometown: Seoul
Hidden talent: Eating a lot (“I’m a food fighter.”)
First K-Pop CD you ever owned: Wonder Girls 
Song you have on repeat right now: Crayon Pop’s ‘Bar Bar Bar’
Current K-Pop crush: Girl’s Day
Favorite place in Seoul: Gangnam
Favorite city in the world: Tunisia, New York

Name: Yun
Birthdate: January 14, 1994
Hometown: Jeolla-do
Hidden talent: Playing online games
First K-Pop CD you ever owned: Ryanghyun Ryangha
Song you have on repeat right now: Maroon 5’s ‘Tangle’
Current K-Pop crush: Crayon Pop
Favorite place in Seoul: Neighborhood PC room
Favorite city in the world: Tokyo 


 Candid photos!

Article credit: Mwave

The Charming Men of HISTORY

HISTORY has finally released its first mini-album [JUST NOW], after debuting 4 months ago with hit single, 'Dreamer'! This time, with HISTORY, all 5 members have transformed, becoming even more good-looking and showing off even more of their talents. We're bringing you an inside look into HISTORY's album jacket shoot, so get ready to fall in love with HISTORY and JUST NOW!!

 HISTORY's ' JUST NOW' Jacket Photos & Member Profiles

 Behind the scenes of HISTORY's 'JUST NOW' Album Jacket Shoot

1. Na Do Kyun
The totally transformed Na Do Kyun, Check out the sharp jaw line on Na Do Kyun! Even when he's just sitting calmly he looks so cool…
2. Kim Jae Ho
Jae Ho can pull off so many fun poses! Even though sometimes he's like an adorable pupply, Jae Ho can pull off chic poses too!
3. Song Kyung Il
The charismatic leader!! Song Kyung Il! The manly leader who even matches well with pink!
4. Jang Yi Jeong
The maknae Yi Jeong creates a chill atmosphere! His sad eyes stir up emotion in everyone watching
5. Kim Si Hyoung
More like a model than a model - Si Hyoung! With such piercing eyes, you can't help but fall into them
Yi Jeong and Jae Ho carefully monitor their photos
Yi Jeong especially ran over to check on his photos as soon as he was finished - what a pro!
HISTORY has returned with 1st mini album [JUST NOW] Were you able to feel the charisma and appeal of HISTORY through the album jacket shoot?? Please anticipate HISTORY's new and improved charms with the title song, 'Tell me Love'

 The BEST CUTS chosen by the HISTORY members themselves!

 HISTORY's Greeting Video

 HISTORY's 'Tell Me Love' Music Video

Article credit: Mwave

FTISLAND comeback

After FTISLAND's 2007 debut album [Cheerful Sensibility]'s title song, 'Love Sick' caused the nation to fall in love, 'After Love', 'Bad Girl', 'I Hope', 'Love Love Love', 'Hello Hello', 'Poision', 'I Wish' and many other hit songs have cemented the 5-member band's status at the top. For the past 6 years, FTISLAND has appealed to the public in Japan, Korea and all of Asia. With their live concert skills as well as their various merits on broadcast shows, the band has been keeping busy. But even while on international tours, the band has been constantly practicing and getting ready to receive more love and praise with its return!
To celebrate its 6th anniversary on September 23, FTISLAND released its special album [THANKS TO], filled with self-composed songs. As a special gift to the Primadonnas, we've prepared an inside look at the album and a FAN Q&A with FTISLAND

 [Choi Jong Hoon]

1. We're curious as to how you listen to music you like.
>> I listen to the artists I like on shuffle ^^
2. We heard you like to spend time fishing?
>> I originally liked freedom, and I somehow ended up going fishing with my acting teacher, and while we were fishing, we talked about a lot of serious life topics, and I had the opportunity to think about myself, and so I became addicted to having that time to myself.
3. When you compose and write lyrics, where do you get most of your inspiration?
>> There's not one particular incident or anecdote that comes to mind. When I don't have anything on my schedule, and I have some alone time, I feel more free and that's when melodies and lyrics come to me the best.
4. What's the biggest difference between your rookie days, right after you debuted, and six years later?
>> I think Choi Jong Hoon as a person, in various meanings, has become a more mature person. I think I know many things that I didn't know them, and I can feel many more diverse things. Sometimes I like that, but sometimes, it's a little difficult.
5. As FTISLAND's leader, was there any incident that made you particularly happy?
>> Since FTISLAND has been active, as a leader, I'm thankful when the members follow me well and when there are a lot of people around us supporting us.

 [Lee Hong Gi]

1. This album contains all self-composed songs by the members, but you composed the title track - is there a promise you want to make to the public if your song hits #1?
>> This title song, 'Memory' is a heart-wrenching song about a guy who can't forget about his departed lover, but I will sing this song while dancing!
2. Because the FTISLAND members all have such confidence, it's really appealing! Can you share some tips on how to gain confidence?
>> Hm. I don't know if I can say how to gain confidence, but I like myself. I think that you have to like yourself in order for other people to like you! Don't you think loving yourself and appreciating yourself is a good way to gain confidence? Fighting!
3. Your new title track is called 'Memory' - what is the most vivid memory you have with your fans?
>> Although all our other schedules are fun too, I think, during our Korean and international tours, when the fans come to our concerts and we can see them and have fun and jump up and down together while singing brings the most joy
4. Out of all the tracks you've composed, which is your favorite?
>> I think out of all the songs I've created, 'Black Chocolate' came out with the most emotion that I wanted...
5. If the world were to end, what would be your last wish?
>> I would like to eat a delicious meal with the people I love most, and have my last moments with them.

 [Lee Jae Jin]

1. Was there any particular influence when you composed the song 'Falling Star'?
>> As I raced ahead to get to where I am now, I sometimes felt like I was straying farther from my dreams and at times even thought I was losing a part of myself, so I put my heart into this song to tell others like myself to never lose hope and never let go of their dreams. It’s a song I’m singing for myself as well.
2. During your concerts, what was the most surprising moment with your members?
>> When my hyungs cried! ㅠㅠ During the concert, Jung Hoon hyung and Hong Gi hyung cried when we were standing on stage singing live, when they were overwhelmed by emotions, but it was that gratitude and emotion that I was so impressed by.
3. During the 6 years you've been active, what was the most meaningful moment?
>> When I perform concerts with my hyungs, standing on stage with them is always special and has the most meaning for me. I would love to consistently put on exciting performances like now!
4. Of the countries you've never visited before, where do you want to visit the most?
>> Spain and Brazil! I haven't been yet, and I really want to go! I think they'll be really hot places, and I want to feel that passion for myself!
5. Out of all the released FTISLAND songs, which song do you like the most and why?
>> From our 1st debut album, the song 'Meeting'. I still really like that song. I really like the lyrics and the delicate sensibilities. And I feel that the music has a Asian feel. I recommend it to those who haven't heard it yet!

 [Choi Min Hwan]

1. When are you more nervous? When you're singing during a musical or when you're playing the drums during a concert?
>> It's hard to compare when I play drums and when I perform in a musical, because it's a different sort of nervousness.
2. In the past six years since your debut, what is the moment you regret the most and the moment you were most happy?
>> I don't have many moments I regret, but living with my members and becoming like real brothers, and having concerts together, and traveling overseas together.. These are the moments that were the happiest.
3. How is the Choi Min Hwan of 2007 different from the Choi Min Hwan of 2013?
>> Well, my personality has changed a lot. I think I've become a lot less reticent than before, but I still hear that I'm a maknae that doesn't talk a lot. And I think in many different aspects, the way and patterns of how I live have changed a lot
4. In the six years you've been working, who was your most memorable fan?
>> Of course, the fans who've supported us for the entire 6 years are the most memorable. It's like we grew up together… if you look at it that way, it's really interesting. So when I meet with the fans, I want to say hello one more time.
5. Aside from the drums, what is the instrument you want to learn most?
>> Piano. As I play on a rhythm instrument, I want to learn how to play on a melody instrument.

 [Song Seung Hyun]

1. I met my boyfriend, who's also a Primadonna, through FTISLAND. Of FTISLAND's songs (including your Japanese albums), which song is the most romantic and lovely?
>> Um…though there are a lot of songs, if I have to pick among them, 'I Hope You Will Be My Lover' is the one I would pick. Jong Hoon Hyung composed and lyricized the song, the lyrics are really honest and sweet, so I think it's a really good song to sing to agirlfriend while playing guitar.
2. If you were a girl, which FTISLAND member would you like?
>> Min Hwan! I think it's Min Hwan haha. Firstly, he's my friend. And he's really cute. Hahaha
3. In your life, who is the person who gives you the most help and strength, and is the one you're most grateful for?
>> Of course, it's Min Hwan. Min Hwan really listens to all my problems, and is actually concerned for me, and thinks about me. He's a friend I'm grateful for. And we've been next to each other for a long time while living dorm life. Thanks Min Hwan!
4. As a FTISLAND member, and as just Song Seung Hyun, what are your personal goals?
>> To become the world's best band! Keke Also, I want to be acknowledged as a musical actor. I fell for the charm of musicals through [The Three Musketeers], [Jack the Ripper]. If the opportunity arises, I really want to try challenging acting on the screen too.
5. As FT ISLAND has had many overseas activities, is there anything you want to say to your Korean fans?
>> I love you!!!! It's been almost a year since an album came out in Korea, so I firstly want to say thank you so much for waiting. I'm sincerely grateful to the Primadonnas who waited for us and supported us faithfully even when we were promoting overseas. Let's see each other's faces and eat ice cream together as we promote this album in Korea! With all these grateful feelings, we prepared this [THANKS TO] album, so please love it a lot! Thank you!

 ‘Thanks to’ Movie Clip

 ■ Teaser Image ‘Thanks to’ Photo

Article credit: Mwave

CNBLUE makes Everyone "Feel Good"

The popular boyband CNBLUEe unveiled the Samsung Galaxy brand song, 'Feel Good.' CNBLUE was chosen as the representative artist from Korea for the Samsung Electronics '2013 Galaxy Music Project' and participated in the project. The 'Galaxy Music Project' is a marketing program created by Samsung Electronics to provide users with new ways to enjoy music in a smart way using functions of Galaxy mobile phones.

 CNBLUE's 'Tell Me Love' Music Video

 2013 CNBLUE Blue Moon World Tour Live with Samsung Galaxy

The leader Jung Yong Hwa wrote the music and lyrics, creating a new song with the theme of 'Over the Horizon,' the brand song for Samsung Electornic Galaxy in mind. With CNBLUE's unique colors, 'Feel Good' includes the meaningful themes of 'freedom and fun,' which is some of the important values Galaxy Music pursues.
Article credit: Mwave

U-KISS to Hold Concert Tour in America and Sells Out VIP Tickets in 30 Seconds

U-KISS will be making its way to the States to do a three-city tour. 

U-KISS is planning on holding a concert tour in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles next January. 

It has been reported that when the VIP concert tickets became available on December 2 through online sites, the 150 VIP tickets were sold out within 30 seconds for San Francisco and LA concerts, and within 8 minutes for the New York concert. The website also went through a temporary freeze when numerous fans attepted to purchase the regular tickets. 
U-KISS to Hold Concert Tour in America and Sells Out VIP Tickets in 30 Seconds
U-KISS previously held a tour in South America by visiting Peru, Columbia and Mexico last June. The group will continue to meet with its fans globally by performing in America and expanding its promotions beyond counties in Asia.

U-KISS will hold its concert in New York on January 9, San Francisco on the 11th and LA on the 14th. After the American tour, the boys will perform in 15 countries around South America, Europe and Asia. 

Meanwhile, U-KISS is planning to release the 7th Japanese single on December 18 and will meet with over 50,000 fans through various Christmas events and album promotions in December. 

Photo credit: NH Media
Article credit: Mwave